We wanted to sincerely thank everyone who contacted us through our website. There are so many of you showing your interest in Mother Cabrini and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Also, the Cabrinian community is happy to pray for each of you and for your prayer intentions.
So we remind you that you can contact us for your requests and prayer intentions at info@cabriniworld.org.
Gracias por compartir ejemplos de mujeres llenas del amor de Dios el verdadero amor, asi podemos dar ese ejemplo a nuestras hijas en estos tiempos que la dignidad de la mujer la han reducido totalmente a nada haciendonos creer que es culpa del hombre cuando Dios nos ha dado a la mas grande y maravilloso ejemplo de mujer a MARIA VIRGEN, nuestra hermosa MADRE🩷
Que Ios bendiga su trabajo hermanas, conocimos la vida de la madre y su vida nos llena de esperanza, saludos desde Bolivia
I first want to thank the two Mormon brothers who chose to produce this marvelous movie of the powerful Mother Cabrini during a critical time in America when we need to be reminded that strong intention backed by indestructible Will and Trust in Our Lord can produce magnificent results. The movie made me proud to be of Italian decent, a Catholic Christian and given a reminder that I can create the change I perceive necessary to help make America a better place place in which to live.
God Bless those Mormon brothers to realize it is a time Americans needed to be reminded from where they came and they only need the Will and Trust to create necessary change.
Maybe it is time to explore the life of the young Italian man, Carlos Acutis.