Holy Thursday– “All my hope is in your Passion.”
Holy Friday- “Jesus, carve your Heart in mine. Within this divine seal, I contemplate all the bitter sorrows and wounds of your Holy Passion. Apply all the fruits of your Passion to me each time I renew my vow of dedicating all my tenderness to you, Jesus, I love you so much, so very much.”
Holy Saturday – “Concede nothing to the evil spirit and his bad habits – instead practice mortification. Let your bad habits die so that you can rise to new life- which will be the life of your glorified body. “
- by Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Journal of a Trusting Heart
Easter– “In the name of Jesus, I want each of you to be all or nothing for Him. Half measures I do not want, because Jesus does not want them. Therefore, see that each one deals well with Jesus and perceives what are his dispositions. No hesitation, no ifs, buts, or whys, but broad and true generosity, and thus we will also be assured of heaven’s blessing over our poor labors. I greet you all warmly, and wish for everyone that Easter will be a true passage to that pure, humble and holy life that good Jesus demands of each one.”