By Salvatore Cernuzio “At this particular moment in our history, marked by increasingly troubling conflicts that undermine multilateralism, it is necessary to consolidate our efforts in favor of integral ecology – an issue that – like climate change – is in danger of being overshadowed.” Speaking on Tuesday, the feast day of St. Francis of…
Read MoreThe letter, a LaudatoSì film
Más de 165.000 personas han visto ya La carta en las primeras 24 horas de su estreno. La película, que cuenta la historia de la encíclica Laudato Si’ y el poder de la humanidad para detener la crisis ecológica, se presentó en el Vaticano en un día muy especial: la fiesta de San Francisco de…
Read MoreThe vocation to be educators of the heart
The vocation to be educators of the heart To the Salesian pilgrims who came to Rome for the canonization of Artemide Zatti October 08, 2022 It is part of the “Salesian vocation” to be “educators of the heart, of love, of affectivity.” This is what Pope Francis stressed while addressing Salesian pilgrims gathered in Rome…
Read More“Letters” of St. Frances Cabrini also translated into Spanish!
It is with joy that we receive the second volume in Spanish of the Letters of St. Frances Cabrini. In 2019 Sister Barbara Staley, when she was Superior General of the Institute together with her General Council, requested the translation of the four volumes already published into the mother tongue of the Institute, Italian. The…
Read MoreCanonization and a Mass of thanksgiving for Father Scalabrini
On Oct. 9, 2022, General Government Sisters Sister Eliane, Sister Gilda, Sister Patricia, and Sister Stella together with Sister Dicelia from the Gordiani community on Anagni Street participated in the Eucharistic Celebration in St. Peter’s Square for the canonization of two saints of the Church, Father Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and Artemide Zatti. Pope Francis in…
Read MoreNews from Etiopia
It is with gratitude for all the good work done, but mixed with sadness at their leaving, that we thank Thinky & Sena Mabaso for their presence these past few years in Dubbo Mission with Cabrini Ministries Ethiopia. They are returning to eSwatini and will continue working there with Cabrini Ministries eSwatini. • The photo…
Read MoreCardinal João Braz de Aviz’s visit in Curia
On Saturday, October 8, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Religious Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, came to visit the Curia. Cardinal Fr. João presided over the Eucharistic Celebration in the Chapel of the General Curia; after stressing the importance of walking together in the mission of…
Read MoreWalking together and giving thanks
Yesterday was the canonization of Father John Baptist Scalabrini and Artemide Zatti.This the Holy Father’s homily focused on walking together and gratitude starting with the Gospel of the ten lepers.Here is an excerpt that focuses a synodal vision in light of the Word of the XXVIII Sunday of Ordinary Time. “Bishop Scalabrini, who founded two…
Read MoreSr. Regina Palamara, MSC – Rockin’ KTLA-TV
Sr. Regina Palamara, MSC, a California native, and a former resident of Roosevelt Island, NY, was featured recently on the local television station in the Burbank/Los Angeles area as the station was celebrating its 75thanniversary on the air. The following account appears on the station’s website. KTLA 5 evening anchor Cher Calvin may not have…
Read MoreThe apostle of workers forced to leave their homeland will be canonized at St. Peter’s on Sunday
Un santo per i migranti Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, il vescovo che lottò contro miseria e sfruttamento «Ho visitato popolose città e collettività nascenti, campi fecondati dal lavoro e immensi piani non tocchi dalla mano dell’uomo, ho conosciuto emigranti che avevano toccato il fastigio della ricchezza, altri che vivevano nell’agiatezza, e più l’oscura immensa falange dei…
Read MoreThe General Council working together for the global communion
During these days the General Council elected at the XVI General Chapter last July arrived in Rome. Sr. Maria Eliane, General Superior, and her Council composed by Sr. Stella Maris, Sr. Gilda and Sr. Patricia is ready to work together to embody the Chapter Mandated and for the global communion of our Institute. Let us…
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