The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 was a great day for the Sacred Heart International Novitiate in New York, as Bezunesh Elias Tadiso, a young woman from Ethiopia, began her Novitiate in New York.
We had the joy of celebrating her entrance into the MSC Novitiate together with Bezunesh. Sr Diane Olmstead, Provincial Superior of the Guadalupe Province, Sr Genet Henok, Novice Director, and other sisters were present at the ceremony and celebration.
We keep Bezunesh in our prayers during this precious time in her formation, and we also ask you to continue praying for all the young women who feel the desire of committing their lives to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as Missionary Sisters.
This is what Bezunesh shared: “ The celebration of immaculate conception on Dec.8/2022 was joyful day to me. I am so grateful to my family who helped me to grow as Catholic Christian. I thank MSC sisters who accompanied me throughout my journey. Thank you for all.
May God bless you❤❤❤
Thanks again, Bezunesh”