Missionary Experience in Paraguay

From January 3 to 10, 2025, the MSCs and lay people of Paraguay accompanied the educational team of the Our Lady of Schoenstatt School in San Lorenzo on a cultural trip to Rio Grande do Sul, Canela and Gramado. Joy and respect reigned throughout the day among teachers, parents and students. In addition to being a cultural pilgrimage, it was also an opportunity to strengthen ties and cultivate values such as brotherhood, unity and harmonious coexistence. All this is part of an educational mission that aims at the same time to broaden the horizons and touch the hearts of all participants.

“I am mission”, everything is mission

From January 3 to 10, 2025, we MSCs and Laity accompanied the educational team of  Our Lady of Schoenstatt – St. Laurence, Paraguay, on a cultural trip to Rio Grande do Sul, Canela and Gramado. The tenderness and details of God are visible and palpable in these “blessed lands”. Joy, companionship and respect were present throughout the day  among the teachers, parents and students.

It was an incredible, enriching and very meaningful experience, both culturally and spiritually. Accompanying the educational team from the Schoenstatt School of San Lorenzo, as well as being a cultural pilgrimage, it was also an opportunity to strengthen ties and cultivate values such as fraternity, unity and harmonious coexistence. All of this is part of an educational mission that aims to expand horizons and touch the hearts of all participants.

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the day we celebrate the conversion of Saint Paul, the Cabrinian Missionaries and the Sisters from Paraguay dedicated themselves to the mission of visiting families, sharing the love of Christ and praying with the people. In a spirit of compassion and service, they listened to the needs of the sick, recognizing in them the presence of the suffering Christ, who made himself poor and vulnerable to teach us how to experience mercy. 

Through this look of faith, they were able to see in each person in need the face of Christ himself. In addition, they offered a little material help, with food collected among them, as a concrete sign of charity and solidarity. 

It was a profound experience of living the Word, with concrete gestures of care and welcome for the most vulnerable, because, as Christ himself teaches us, “whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to him”. Today’s mission is therefore a continuous daily conversion to which we are called, because just as St. Paul was converted to proclaim the Good News with fervor, we too are invited to be bearers of hope, faith and charity, becoming God’s instruments in helping those most in need.

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