Today is the Earth Day ! πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜πŸŒβ€οΈ

From the very beginning, Mother Cabrini was careful for the Mother Earth.

In “Between one wave and another” Mother Cabrini wrote to the students of the Magisterium a thought of absolute modernity and topicality:
“The world of today, which seems to be moving backwards towards paganism, in spite of its gigantic progress in science and commerce, has forgotten the value of prayer, and hardly knows it anymore! And this happens because, with pagan sentiment, man has made himself a god of himself and of creatures, and has lost the notion of the relationships that must exist between him and God. Our good God, who created the heavens and the earth, as the babbling child reciting the Catechism tells us, is almost cast out of creation; there is no place for Him. Man has made his own idol, he adores it, and he does not think of praying to and worshipping the true and only God. Is it any wonder that, after almost superhuman efforts, weak and limited nature, powerless to strive further or to achieve what it wants, should abandon itself to despair, suicide and crime?”

Today, for us Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, environment is one of the cornerstones of our mission in the world.

Every day, through our sponsored ministries and Impact investing projects, the Sisters together with our partners in mission are on the front line in a generous and excellent way, to protect our world and have a certain sensitivity for climate changes; in other words, according to Sister Barbara, MSC General Superior, it is fundamentally “building sustainable economies, using technology, and working on behalf of climate change, so that we no longer have a global world that is getting warmer and warmer”.

Thanks to all of you, friends of the Cabrini world, who spend yourselves every day in caring for our planet with love! You are a sign of Jesus’ love and hope, especially during these challenging times!

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