The month of November calls us to think about all the blessings that we have in our lives. The time of Thanksgiving reminds us to be thankful and to give thanks to God.
Cabrini Immigrant Services (CIS), Dobbs Ferry, held a STARS (StoryTelling, Art, Reading and Socialization) for Kids Program for Grades K-2. Dr. Wendy Mages, one of our Storytellers, told the story, Taylor the Thankful Turkey by Sonica Ellis. After the story, the children spoke about all that they were thankful for. Everyone was thankful for their parents and their siblings. Some where thankful for school, their country, love and friends. Following the discussion, the children made a turkey out of construction paper. On each of the feathers, the children wrote something they were thankful for. They were so proud of their creations and so grateful that they had so much to be thankful for.
Lorraine Campanelli, Director, CIS, Dobbs Ferry
Thanks to Lorraine Campanelli for sharing this article