An itinerary on Mother Cabrini

An itinerary on Mother Cabrini

In Milan, the Central Station was named after Mother Cabrini. The Association of Mantuans in the World and Lombards in the World, became the promoter of an itinerary to commemorate the Saint’s life, through three moments: An exhibition curated by Artist Meo Carbone to be held at the Pirelli Palace in Milan from February 1…

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A drawing for the Chinese year of the rabbit

A drawing for the Chinese year of the rabbit

Cecilia is a Chinese girl who studies at our elementary school, Santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini, on Via Anagni in Rome. She is a fifth grader and her drawing was chosen to be posted on streetcars in Rome to mark the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, which falls in this 2023. It is a real joy…

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World Education Day

World Education Day

“The ‘education of the heart is an educational method that evangelizes us and others; it is a path that leads us to live our lives with serenity, to engage it fruitfully, and to pass it on to those who follow us.” “Mother Cabrini: Education of the Heart, the Path of Interiority” by Sister Maria Barbagallo…

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CABRINI IMMIGRANT SERVICES OF NYC On December 17th, 2022 we celebrated Christmas with the families of both old and new clients. It was a new experience for all of our staff, since we have been in a new facility since May 2022. We had 60 families and 111 children. In order to provide better attention…

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We did it together!

We did it together!

Thanks to God, with the intercession of Mother Cabrini, and our Mother of Guadalupe, we finished with joy another missionary year as a school.The Technical Institute “La Inmaculada” crowned this school year with a general academic performance of 95%. We have delivered to the Nicaraguan society: Sixty-six technical graduates Seventy-five students completing their primary studies…

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From Curia to….

From Curia to….

This week in the Curia we will have several departures: the Superior General Sister Maria Eliane, Sister Stella Maris, and Sister Patricia are in fact traveling these days to Brazil where the Assembly of the Santa Francisca Cabrini Province will be held from December 16 to 20. Today in particular Sister Maria Regina, former General…

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The statue of St. Frances Cabrini in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

The statue of St. Frances Cabrini in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

A large statue of St. Cabrini was placed in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on December 8, 1946, five months after her Canonization. It is located in the central nave. Here, marked by mighty pillars, are 39 niches with the figures of the Founding Saints of Religious Orders and Congregations. In one of these, twelve…

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Award: “Meritorious Woman of Lodi”

Award: “Meritorious Woman of Lodi”

Last November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Award: Meritorious Woman of Lodi was presented to Sr. Denise Alves Morra, MSC. Sr. Rachele, MSC, and Sr. Assunta, MSC, represented Sr. Denise, at the awarding ceremony. In attendance were Mrs., Arleni Peña Del Orbe, Consul of Santo Domingo and other dignitaries,…

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From the Provinces for the Feast of Mother Cabrini

From the Provinces for the Feast of Mother Cabrini

November 13 and 14 were two days of great celebration for our Institute. Many in fact were the celebrations and festivities in all provinces 84 years after Mother Cabrini’s Beatification and on the occasion of the 142nd anniversary of the Institute’s founding. At the National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in Chicago there was…

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Feast of Mother Cabrini in Cabrini Shrine in New York City

Feast of Mother Cabrini in Cabrini Shrine in New York City

“Jesus, warm my heart with the fire of your holy love so that I will never fall into tepidity, but will always performers action in your service with great fervor.”~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini November 13Feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini One of the treasures Mother Cabrini left behind, perhaps inadvertently, was her journal of…

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Letter from Sr. Diane Dalle Molle for the Feast of Mother Cabrini

November 13, 2022 Dear Sisters and Partners in Mission, a blessed feast of our Mother and Patroness, Frances Cabrini. In wishing you all the greatest blessings on this feast day, I would like to share with you Mother Cabrini’s deepest wish for the sisters and lay people who share her charism and spirituality: The Missionaries…

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