por LUCIA CAPUZZI Mujeres que van más allá. Así es como, parafraseando a Madeleine Delbrêl, podemos definir a los misioneras. Aquellas que parten hacia horizontes lejanos y lugares remotos donde viven y, a menudo, mueren como mártires, en el sentido de testigos. Y las que, «sin barco» cruzan las fronteras culturales, sociales y espirituales para…
Read MoreEl sábado 25 de febrero a las 16.00 tuvo lugar la proyección de la película “Cabrini” de Alejandro Monteverde en el Aula Magna de la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense. Participaron la Superiora General Hna. Maria Eliane Azevedo Da Silva y el Consejo General con hermanas y laicos del Instituto procedentes de Rancate, Milán, Codogno, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano,…
Read MoreNo sábado, 25 de fevereiro, às 16h, na Sala Magna da Pontifícia Universidade Lateranense, foi exibido o filme “Cabrini” de Alejandro Monteverde. A Superiora Geral Ir. Maria Eliane Azevedo da Silva e o Conselho Geral participaram, juntamente com as irmãs e leigos do Instituto de Rancate, Milão, Codogno, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano e via Anagni, via Sicilia…
Read MoreProiezione film ‘Cabrini’
Sabato 25 Febbraio alle ore 16.00 presso l’Aula Magna della Pontificia Università Lateranense si è tenuta la proiezione del film ‘Cabrini’ di Alejandro Monteverde. Hanno partecipato la Superiora Generale Sr. Maria Eliane Azevedo Da Silva ed il Consiglio Generale con suore e laici dipendenti dell’Istituto e provenienti da Rancate, Milano, Codogno, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano e da…
Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey Dear brothers and sisters! The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand him. Shortly before, there had been a real clash between the Master and Simon Peter,…
Read MorePress review of Meo Carbone’s exhibition (In Italian)
MILANO – Continua l’infaticabile opera dell’eclettico artista Meo Carbone ( nella foto , una sua opera) nel raccontare l’Emigrazione italiana con la mostra ‘Madre Cabrini, l’Angelo dei migranti. Ieri – Oggi – Domani’, dedicata a Madre Francesca Saverio Cabrini, allestita in Palazzo Pirelli di Regione Lombardia ed esposta fino al 15 febbraio 2023. Questo prezioso contributo costituisce un’altra tappa del significativo percorso…
Read MoreInteresting St. Cabrini Information
from Maria Williams, Cabrini Scholar I have just discovered an out of out-of-print English edition of the Travels of Mother Cabrini is now available for free online Internet Archive: Travels of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini : foundress of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus : Frances Xavier Cabrini : Free Download, Borrow,…
Read MoreWorld Day of the Sick
“Sufferers must not feel separated by the virus of indifference.” On Saturday, the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, framed with flowers and lamps, radiated the light of Hope. On the occasion of the World Day dedicated to the sick, Bishop Maurizio Malvestiti’s celebration welcomed the prayers of many people who have turned to the…
Read MoreA Tale of Chicago
Trusting in Jesus in Difficulty It’s easy to imagine that because Mother Cabrini founded 67 missions in 40 locations across three continents, everything went smoothly. The reality was that nearly every mission began with challenges. This did not trouble Mother Cabrini in the slightest. Her attitude toward obstacles was rooted in her certainty that if…
Read MoreWorld Day of Consecrated Life – Lodi
Choosing to take leave of everything while remaining in the heart of the world A choice that may seem to be “against” the world, but is actually “for” the world, because consecrating one’s life to the Lord is a revolutionary act in the world: the depth of faith challenging the superficiality of the world, the…
Read MoreWorld Day of Consecrated Life
On Feb. 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the Church has been celebrating the World Day of Consecrated Life for 27 years. The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also celebrate this important occasion. We share with you an excerpt from the Holy Father Francis’ homily for the XXVI World Day…
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