This week in the Curia we will have several departures: the Superior General Sister Maria Eliane, Sister Stella Maris, and Sister Patricia are in fact traveling these days to Brazil where the Assembly of the Santa Francisca Cabrini Province will be held from December 16 to 20. Today in particular Sister Maria Regina, former General…
Read MoreII Sunday of Advent
The Pope encourages us this Advent with the words “the light of Christ illuminates our paths and chases away the darkness in our hearts,” and invoking “the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ”. For this reason, the Holy Father suggested preparing for Christmas by dedicating “moments to prayer, meditating on the light of…
Read MoreLetter from Sr. Diane Dalle Molle for the Feast of Mother Cabrini
November 13, 2022 Dear Sisters and Partners in Mission, a blessed feast of our Mother and Patroness, Frances Cabrini. In wishing you all the greatest blessings on this feast day, I would like to share with you Mother Cabrini’s deepest wish for the sisters and lay people who share her charism and spirituality: The Missionaries…
Read MoreActivities with children and youth in Paraguay and Brazil
Mission to Paraguay Here are some shots from the mission in Paraguay and the Youth Center in Brazil. Lots of activities to learn with games, colors but most of all by being together! Here are the children who are doing activities at the mission in Santo Domingo. Youth Center in Brazil
Read MoreSome updates from Cabrini Immigrant Services NY
As 2022 comes to a close, a lot is happening at Cabrini Immigrant Services in New York! A new cohort of trainees is settling in, our staff is working tirelessly to meet the needs of newly arrived immigrants, and we are beginning preparations for year-end celebrations. Read on to learn more about what we have…
Read MoreI Sunday of Advent
Pope Francis teaches us a very simple but very important Advent prayer to live these days that precede Christmas. “Come, Lord Jesus” They are only three words, but they have great power. The Holy Father proposed this prayer on the first Sunday of Advent two years ago, during his homily at the Mass celebrated in…
Read MoreWorld Mission Day
World Mission Day will be celebrated on Sunday, October 23, entitled “To Me You Will Be Witnesses.” Three are the key words of Pope Francis’ Message : witness, to the ends of the earth and the Holy Spirit. – The plural form (you) emphasizes the communitarian-ecclesial character of the missionary call of the disciples. Every…
Read MoreVatican presents accession to UN and Paris Climate Agreements
By Salvatore Cernuzio “At this particular moment in our history, marked by increasingly troubling conflicts that undermine multilateralism, it is necessary to consolidate our efforts in favor of integral ecology – an issue that – like climate change – is in danger of being overshadowed.” Speaking on Tuesday, the feast day of St. Francis of…
Read MoreThe letter, a LaudatoSì film
Más de 165.000 personas han visto ya La carta en las primeras 24 horas de su estreno. La película, que cuenta la historia de la encíclica Laudato Si’ y el poder de la humanidad para detener la crisis ecológica, se presentó en el Vaticano en un día muy especial: la fiesta de San Francisco de…
Read More“Letters” of St. Frances Cabrini also translated into Spanish!
It is with joy that we receive the second volume in Spanish of the Letters of St. Frances Cabrini. In 2019 Sister Barbara Staley, when she was Superior General of the Institute together with her General Council, requested the translation of the four volumes already published into the mother tongue of the Institute, Italian. The…
Read MoreCardinal João Braz de Aviz’s visit in Curia
On Saturday, October 8, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Religious Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, came to visit the Curia. Cardinal Fr. João presided over the Eucharistic Celebration in the Chapel of the General Curia; after stressing the importance of walking together in the mission of…
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