At the beginning of each year, in January, the MSCs in Nicaragua perform a special mission of going out and sharing the Gospel in the countryside near their ministry. Life there is totally different from that of the city. A young woman writes: “The mission in these areas is an enriching, challenging but also rewarding experience. It allows us to appreciate the daily sacrifice of very poor people. This year we went to the community of La Danta and saw how they work and struggle on their land to get food for their families.” 

Missionary Experience 2025

“Young people, dream, move, take risks, look at life with a new smile, go forward, do not be afraid.”    (Pope Francis)

I thank God for having studied at “La Immaculada” and for having met the sisters, this beautiful Cabrini Family, my “purple” hearted family. They have supported me in my personal growth and taught me more about life, and how the Love of God is inexhaustible.

At the beginning of each year, in January, we carry out a special mission: to go and share the Gospel in the countryside. Life there is totally different from what we have in the city. Missioning in these areas is an enriching experience, it is challenging but also rewarding. It allows us to appreciate the daily sacrifice of very poor people; we see how they work and struggle without ceasing on their land to obtain food for their families, it is in this reality where we share the Word of God, touching their lives to be able to reflect and grow together in the Gospel. It is exciting to be able to witness their wisdom, their open hearts and to see the union and solidarity that characterizes this community of La Danta.  

I have participated in the Pastoral for a long time, learning from each moment lived, understanding that each moment is different and that each mission generates intense emotions that make us ground our commitment and love for the Project of Jesus, our brother and friend. I share with you that arriving at the community is touching, the welcome they give us, it is a warm, fraternal, genuine welcome of children, youth and adults. They surround us with their hugs and smiles; they make us feel like we are at home, with family when we visit their homes, and they wait for us so anxiously to share the Word of God and, as they say, of their Church. Experiencing all this and more, is fundamental for me, because I feel the emotion, love, human warmth and enthusiasm that instills in us strength, hope, the will and courage to continue on this path of following the Lord, from the missionary example of the Virgin Mary and Mother Cabrini.

“Try to multiply the missions. Transmit it to so many young people, to whom God has granted science and good qualities. Tell them not to keep buried the talent they have received. Encourage all our friends so that they will not tire of helping…”     (M. Cabrini)

 Cabrinian greetings!        Lia E. Lovo – Young missionary!

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