From June 11 to 14, the first international meeting dedicated to shrines and spirituality centers was held in Codogno. The entire General Council and various sisters and leaders from all the shrines present in the various countries took part. They spoke about how to keep these centers alive, meeting periodically and making them more and more places of mission. Evangelizing and being charismatic centers in the places where they are located, these are the priorities and that they become more and more nuclei of activity and spirituality from which the fruits of Mother Cabrini’s legacy flow. The topics covered at these meetings were:
“Spirituality of the Sacred Heart”, “Prayer and Sacred Places”, “Deepening Cabrinian Spirituality” and “Pilgrims of Hope”. Pope Francis, at an international meeting in 2023 with rectors and collaborators of shrines, said that “what is needed is prayer, consolation and welcome in shrines”.
In this year of preparation for next year’s Jubilee, proclaimed by the Holy Father as the Year of Prayer, we also find ourselves searching for the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that we can bring it into today’s context.


  1. 1
    Carlos Mario Vásquez on July 10, 2024

    Muchas felicitaciones!
    Estas iniciativas nos ayudan a mantener siempre vivo el carisma Cabriniano y mostrar la relevancia de la Espiritualidad de Santa Francisca Cabrini.

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    Emperatriz Canales E., MSC. on July 10, 2024

    Hola! Supongo que ya lo pensaron pero quería sugerir que el otro año para los santuarios de Italia son una gran oportunidad de dar a conocer a M. Cabrini. La Iglesia del Redentor en Via Sicilia y el mismo museo de Codogno podrían pensar en como llevar gente a Codogno(laicos comprometidos) y en V. Sicilia hacer propaganda de la capilla y mantener abirtas las puertas por horarios para que la gente pueda llegar a diferentes horas, poner propaganda afuera y posters alusivos al Carisma adentro. Conseguir sacerdotes y coros de las parroquias vecinas que puedan cantar misas y celebrar algunos domingos. Son solo ideas, a ver si la realidad lo permite.

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