Yesterday, May 27, 2024, the farewell liturgy or, rather, the celebration of the life of Mother Lina Colombini was held at the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer and St. Francesca Cabrini on Via Sicilia in Rome.

After the celebration that had taken place on May 23 in Codogno at the Tabor Church, a liturgy was also held yesterday with Mother Lina that was a real celebration. Indeed, the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer was pervaded with light, filled with peace, serenity but above all with great gratitude for the gift of Mother Lina’s 95 years of life. Also concelebrating along with Monsignor Cardinal Tomasi, a great friend of Sr. Lina, were Father Juan David, Discalced Carmelite, from Nicaragua, Father Emanuel Josa from the Cavaniz Institute from Brazil, and Father Anton from the MSC house in Siberia. A celebration in which more than sadness, there was a remembrance of all those experiences lived together, of a beautiful piece of the Institute’s history, as emerged from the portrait made by Bishop Tomasi during the homily. “Hers was an authentic witness to the spirit of St. Frances Cabrini…a strong, human woman, open to welcoming people, to listening,” this the Cardinal stressed in his remembrance.

The first reading was read by Sr. Maria Regina while the Psalm was read by Sr. Terezinha who also shared a little remembrance about the journey she made together with Mother Lina when she was Superior General and she was Assistant. Sr. Eliane, MSC General Superior and Sr. Marta Maria, Provincial Superior also spoke about her. Sr. Eliane then emphasized how very intense days but also a great harmony accompanied Mother Lina in the last days of her earthly life.

Sr. Assunta at the beginning of the celebration read an excerpt from a circular written by Sr. Lina while Sr. Tatiana and Sr. Patricia took turns in reading the prayers of the faithful.

It was a heavenly atmosphere where the ear was lost in the notes of the choir and Sr. Lucia’s voice while the eye was dazzled by the beauty and brightness of the Church, all of which were reminiscent of Mother Lina’s beautiful and simple soul.

An example of respect, humility but also encouragement, a true example of a full life and consistency until the last of her days according to the words of all those who remembered her, so also Bishop Tomasi was keen to point out:

“a religious who made unity in diversity flourish, a witness for the MSCs but also for the world today,” Msgr. Tomasi stressed, for which we should be grateful.

Just as moved with broken voices full of gratitude we wanted to sing together a song particularly dear to Mother Lina:

“Because Thou hast loved me, as Thou knowest how to love, Because I have lost my gaze in Thy immensity if Thou wouldst ask me who I am I would not say my name, I would say, ”I am thanks for everything and forever, thanks to Thee, thanks to Thee. When I come to You at Your door I will be lost in You, I will be lost in You. When You ask who I am I will not say my name, I will say, “ I am thanks for everything and forever, thanks to You, thanks to You.”

A life that of Mother Lina for which she was eternally grateful and for which we will always be full of gratitude.

This is our little story. We are grateful to the Institute for sharing this important moment for the Congregation and for being able to pay homage, in an atmosphere of great peace and unity, to Elisa Colombini, who as a consecrated woman wished to be called Sr. Lina of the Holy Trinity.

Giulia and Tatiana, Communications Office of the General Curia

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